29 july  6 pm: beginning of yoga classes outdoors for a well-being in contact with nature.

We offer yoga classes for the guests of the Pòggiola and for all those who want to participate (guests of other structures, residents, vacationers)

Classes will be held in the garden, weather permitting, or at the Sunflower Room

via poggiolina bassa, 4

Anna Lazzerini, a qualified teacher, will guide us in this series of lectures, in a simple and suitable way for everyone.
No matter you have already practiced, just a little will, desire for wellness, because yoga is good for everybody and everything!

The package includes 4 lessons of 1 hour and a quarter

Tuesday July 29, Tuesday August 5, Wednesday August 13 and Wednesday August 20th

at 18,30

The cost of the 4 classes is 45 euro

It will be possible to attend a single lesson and the cost will be € 12 + € 5 for an insurance card.
It is very welcome telephone booking talking directly with
Anna 329 806 0656

Classes will start at 18.30, we ask you to come 10 minutes early, and in particular for the first lesson 30 minutes before class begin in order to make the registration and start on time after a small presentation.

Dress comfortable, bring a beach towel and a mat to be more comfortable ( if you have)

For information you can  Lisa 329 7971 398


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