There comes a period of being together, dinner parties, anniversaries, holidays.

At the Pòggiola we offer:

  • a warm and cozy dining room for your special and private occasions (max 20 people)
  • a large room for parties and dinners when you are in so many (> 20 pers)

Themed dinners, vegetarian and even vegan or celiac reservation starting from 15 €.

Sample vegan menu:

Appetizer: voul-au-vent of “polenta” with spinach and chickpea hummus

First Flagpoles spelled sauce with leeks, radicchio and walnuts

Second pie with mushrooms and sweet onions with tasty salad

Dessert: pear cake with cinnamon and chocolate

Don’t you hvave any time for cooking your self? We can prepare birthday cakes with Organic ingredients for your BUFFET


for information and prices call Lisa +39 329 797 1398

or contact us per e mail


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